If you have been receiving strange emails or messages, yes, Lebanon Valley Dragway has been using the Rainedout.com system once again. This gets the information to you either via email or text message.
If you haven't signed up, you can do it for free by signing up and using your email notification. Unfortunately, the system does charge ($7.30/year) if you wish to have unlimited text messages.
Whether you desire a free email message when we post information or a text message is up to you. It is simple to do.
- Log into rainedout.com
-Click on the Receive Messages
-Find your organization by searching for "Lebanon Valley"
-Click on Lebanon Valley Auto Racing (Zip Code 12195) in the list
-Choose your method of notification (Free EMail or Unlimited Text Messaging ($7.30/yr)
It's that simple. We will continue to use the Facebook posting and the Website updating to keep you informed.