So what happens now??? We take another Wednesday night off. Due to the rain, we are unfortunately not going to be able to race tonight, Wednesday, September 1, 2021.
Tonight was to be the last points race for the season. The way the points finished last week is the way that the points will stand for the season. It is rather anticlimatic but it doesn't mean the racing season is over.
Next Wednesday, September 8 we will host the NHRA.TV Challenge in the Sportsman ET Category and trophies will be awarded in the Street Trophy, Street Stick and Pure Street Motorcycle categories.
The following week on September 15, we will host the Mosnter Gamblers race in the Sportsman category with special trophies to be awarded in all other categories.
September 22 will see the final night of racing for the Wednesday night series for the season.
Each Wednesday we will also have Street Test and Tune for those wishing to see what their vehicles will run on the quarter mile... remember.... bring it to the strip, not the street!