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NODRAMA, NESSA and 1/8 Mile Gamblers Results For Saturday, Aug. 6

Ritchie DeGraff, first time winner of NODRAMA with Alan Dwy, Runner up.

DrJay gave the following report on the race from Saturday, August 6, 2022-

NODRAMA (Northeast Old Drag Racers And Musclecar Association) returned to Lebanon Valley Dragway after a much needed 3 week break. Temps in the high 90's made for a a day of who could outlast who. Was it a King? No. Was it a Queen? Nope. How about a Wizeguy? Negative. Must have been The Nice Guy? Not this time.

How about the son of The Nice Guy...

Congratuations to Young Gun, Ritchie Evan Degraff Jr on the win at NODRAMA Event #7. Long timer but newcomer to NODRAMA Alan Dwy with the Runner-up.

With the win, Ritchie Jr made a massive 4 spot move to tie up the number 4 spot in the standings with Andre Holhoch and not too far behind dear old dad Ritchie DeGraff Sr sitting at 3rd. This is the kind of drama brewing in NODRAMA in 2022. Father on Son crime ahead? Student becomes teacher? We shall see, stay tuned.

Next up, NODRAMA event #8 August 27th. --DrJay

Mike Rogers, winner of Electronic Gamblers.

In other classes on Saturday, there were 1/8 mile gamblers races in non-electronic and electronics. Chris Lofgren of Schuylerville, NY defeated Matt Viscione of Waterford, CT in the final with Michael Bloch of East Hampton, CT making it to the semi’s in non-electronic. Mike Rogers of Albany, NY defeatd Abbey Beecher of Winsted, CT in the final of electronic gamblers with Keith Lauzier of Winsted, CT and Grant Nichols, Sr of Marlborough, CT losing in the semi’s.

The Northeast Super Street Association made another visit to the Valley for another points race. Shawn Nichols of Marlborough, CT took the victory in the 10.90 class over Mike Falcone of Wolcott, CT. Ray Butler of Enfield, CT lost in the semi’s.

The results of the day are as follows:


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