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Mopars Finish the Weekend at the Valley of Speed Against All Odds

The NODRAMA crew gathered to race at Mopars at the Valley

Mother Nature needs her medicine again. Apparently, she can't decide what she wants to do. Starting off with Friday, October 6, 2023, it was a great day of racing which gave racers the opportunity to do some testing when the 13203 sponsored a track rental. A good number of cars were there to test out the new track surface which was grinded and reprepped by the crew from Lebanon Valley and Mass Traction during the week.

Saturday was a washout and races were cancelled for the day. This ended the season for the Orient Express Bikes in the Valley.

The NODRAMA (Northeast Old Drag Racers and Musclecar Association) crew has added a date to their calendar so for those who race with this group, please mark your calendars for Saturday, October 28, 2023 for an added points event.

The SuperCars had a good turnout on Sunday and will be back next weekend for another event.

Then there was Sunday, Mopars at the Valley. The weather forecast wasn't optimal but it turned out to be a great day for the Mopars with some great side by side drag racing, a car show and a swap meet. Thank you to everyone who turned out!

Billy Kirpens Jr, winner of Mopar Non-Electronics

In the Mopar Non-Electronics Billy Kirpens, Jr of Pittsfield, MA took the win over Jim Vignogna of Hopewell. NY. Brett Coschignano of Brewster, NY and Angelo Scalfani of Wallingford, CT finished in the semi-finals.

Mike Fitts, winner of Mopar Electronics

Mike Fitts of Groton, CT took home top honors in the Mopar Electronic class when he defeated Jim Trimbley of Chazy, NY. Lori Ziegler of Cobleskill, NY finished in the semi-finals.

Dennis Garrity, winner of Mopar Street DOT

Dennis Garrity of Essex, CT defeated James Ferrara of Gansevoort, NY in the final of Mopar Street. Irene DeGraff of Woodstock, NY finished in the semi-finals.

Daniel Garrett, winner of Mopar Modern Muscle.

Daniel Garrett of Naugatuck, CT defeated Mike Taffi of Cambridge, NY in the final of Mopar Modern Muscle. Anthony DePasquale of Valatie, NY finished in the semi-finals.



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