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Race Results + 8.19.2020 Points

A points updated has been posted for the 8.19.20 Innovative Performance Wednesday Night Street event. Please see Sue Bell in the first floor tower with any questions. Also, if you plan on going to the Bracket Finals, let Sue know asap! Last day to sign up in the last day of points! Race Date: 08/12/2020 Sportsman ET W: Joe Coss ('00 GMC) 11.703 - 110.95 (11.66 dial) R/U: Lou Hahn ('86 Chevy) 12.007 - 111.09 (12.03 dial) Semi 1: Bill Kirpens Sr

Street Trophy W: Chris Badcock ('70 Chevy) 12.860 - 105.00 (12.85 dial) R/U: Wayne Daury ('93 Ford) 14.139 - 98.61 (14.11 dial) Semi 1: Dave Dupont Semi 2: Jeff Andrews Street Stick W: Ken Boyer ('81 Chevy) 11.596 - 120.93 (11.65 dial) R/U: Jesse Farquhar ('95 Chevy) 15.356 - 73.74 (15.44 dial) Semi 1: Colby Pitcher Pure Street Motorcycle W: Larry Hoyt Jr ('12 Suzuki) 9.127 - 158.73 (9.08 dial) R/U: Duke Huyck ('06 Kawasaki) 8.937 - 150.08 (8.85 dial) Semi 1: Guy Gardner Semi 2: Kevin Manchester

Race Date: 08/15/2020 Bikes in the Valley Street W: Bob Bradley ('09 Kawasaki) 9.476 - 143.36 (9.54 dial) R/U: Guy Gardner ('13 Kawasaki) 9.196 - 148.78 (9.12 dial) Red Light Semi 1: Matt Gazaille Bikes in the Valley Pro W: Bob Carlson ('12 Kawasaki) 8.583 - 159.73 (8.56 dial) R/U: Garrett Murphy ('04 Kawasaki) 9.160 - 148.15 (9.16 dial) Red Light Semi 1: Jeff Tisdale Bikes in the Valley 9.2 Below W: John Hastings ('85 Suzuki) 8.922 - 147.28 (8.83 dial) R/U: Michael Lawyea ('01 Suzuki) 7.702 - 171.83 (7.55 dial) Red Light Semi 1: Joe DePietro Super Comp W: Mike Moniz ('74 Vega) 8.938 - 164.92 (8.90 dial) R/U: Keith Lauzier (Dragster) 8.880 - 168.93 (8.90 dial) Semi 1: Steve Spaulding

Small Tire W: Ralph Nichols ('06 Chevy) R/U: Eric Kusminsky (’00 Ford)

Big Tire

W: Steve Hall (’67 Chevy)

R/U: Jason Penna (’87)

Race Date: 08/16/2020

Super Eliminator W: Glen Crane ('18 Miller) 7.326 - 179.45 (7.31 dial) R/U: Frank Berard ('06 Chevy) 7.757 - 173.88 (7.73 dial) Semi 1: Jim Petrucci Pro Eliminator W: Ben DeYoung ('73 Chevy) 9.250 - 146.37 (9.24 dial) R/U: Justin Bruso ('02 Chevy) 15.420 - 64.12 (10.28 dial) Red Light Semi 1: Tom Babowicz Open Trophy W: Richard Lefervre ('69 Chevy) 10.100 - 122.21 (10.00 dial) R/U: Ed Mig ('63 Chevy) 11.620 - 114.59 (11.47 dial) Semi 1: Dan Noel Junior Dragster W: Will Blaker ('12 Half Scale) 7.977 - 80.45 (7.96 dial) R/U: Cassie Diamond ('06 KCS) 7.990 - 79.10 (7.94 dial) Semi 1: Zoey Thorpe Motorcycle/Sled ET W: Jeff Tisdale ('88 Mudskipper) 9.017 - 124.14 (8.89 dial) R/U: Darrell Aubin ('97 ) 10.564 - 116.93 (10.40 dial) Semi 1: Dave Ferguson Semi 2: Bonnie Kelleher Super Comp W: Dana Bochan ('17 Racetech) 8.907 - 170.50 (8.90 dial) R/U: Danny Bisbano ('01 Mullis) 8.805 - 169.96 (8.90 dial) Red Light Semi 1: Mike Moniz Semi 2: Frank Genovesi



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